Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yard work

Things are still the same around here money wise but I got myself out of the house and did alot of yard work. I cleaned up the yard and I am going to build a stone wall at the end of my yard. Instead of my yard going down a hill it will end with a stone wall border. It is taking alot of digging but it keeps my mind off of things. I did alot of raking up of twigs and things. Then I took a long walk with the dogs. I actually looked at all the scenery by my house. We live on the side of a mountain in the middle of the woods. It is pretty up here. There just isnt any jobs around here. But I just cant pick up and move for some reason. I have lived here for many years and I just am so tired of moving around. We will make it somehow I know. I guess i better go for now. I am hoping to have pictures to put on here soon of my family and stuff. I hope everyone is doing well...




Anonymous said...

Hi Christine,
It is a good thing to get out of the house every now and then, even just to step out into the yard...the breeze and sun somehow makes a difference refreshing our mind. Doing some yard work is time consuming before you know it, the day is half day over or pretty much over.

Looking forward to those pictures you mentioned.

Take care,
Gem :)

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the pictures:)


Anonymous said...

It sounds really beautiful there!  I love stone walls, I love mountains and woods.  One day at a time.

Anonymous said...

Stone wall sounds great Christian. Waiting to see pictures. Hugs & prayers, Janie